Can artificial intelligence create haiku? chatGPT, Bing chat

 What is haiku?

Haiku is a Japanese form of standardized poetry based on seasonal words and a formula of five, seven, and five syllables. In the Edo period, haiku were called 17-character poems, and in modern times they are also written with 17 syllables.1 Haiku often express a sense of the seasons, nature, scenery, and human emotions, and although they are short poems, they have a deep meaning.

Famous haiku

菜の花や 月は東に 日は西に
鎌倉を 驚かしたる 余寒あり
柔らかに 岸踏みしなふ 芦の角
せりせりと 薄氷杖の なすままに
たんぽぽや 一天玉の 如くなり

Rape blossoms, moon in the east, sun in the west

There is a lingering cold that shocks Kamakura

Softly stepping on the shore, the horns of an ash

The ice is at the mercy of the ice staff.

Dandelions, as if they were a ball in the sky.

Examples of haiku by AI 

夏の日の 暑さに耐えて 蝉の声
秋風に 揺れる稲穂の 音かな
夏の日の 暑さに耐えて 蝉の声
冬枯れの 寂しさに包まれ 月の光

The cicadas are singing in the heat of a summer's day.

The sound of ears of rice swaying in the autumn wind.

The sound of cicadas in the heat of a summer's day.

The light of the moon, surrounded by the loneliness of the dead of winter.


I got the feeling that the haiku, created by artificial intelligence AI, was more about the obvious.

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