Mandatory efforts to wear a helmet
Hello. Today, about the compulsory wearing of bicycle helmets that started on April 1, 2023, the compulsory wearing of helmets is an important topic for us cyclists. I understand the importance of helmets. Let's get started.
First, let me briefly explain what the compulsory wearing of bicycle helmets is. This was stipulated by the revised Road Traffic Law, and it became an obligation to make efforts to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Effort obligation means that you should do it at your own discretion, not compelled by law. In other words, not wearing a helmet will not result in fines or penalties, but it may affect your percentage of fault and compensation if you are involved in an accident. Wearing a helmet also has the advantage of protecting yourself and others.
So why was it necessary to make bicycle helmets compulsory? This is due to the increasing number and seriousness of bicycle accidents. According to National Police Agency statistics, about 70,000 bicycle accidents occurred in 2021, of which about 400 died and about 15,000 were seriously injured. In addition, about 60% of the fatalities had fatal injuries to the head, and the mortality rate when not wearing a helmet was 2.2 times higher than when wearing a helmet. From these facts, it is thought that wearing a helmet can minimize the damage caused by an accident.
According to the questionnaire results, there are things such as disturbing and hot.
Although there is no penalty, I would like to wear a helmet and ride a bicycle as much as possible.